“I believe Agriculture
the beating heart of our nation.”
With deep roots in the Ag Industry, it should come as no surprise that I’ve found myself on a farm raising boys and chickens. However, some days it baffles me that this is where life has taken me. I did not see it coming, and maybe even tried to fight it for awhile, but some things are just meant to be. There is honestly no place I’d rather raise my sons and spend my days, plus I get to work alongside my hubby in a hay field which always keeps things interesting. I feel like I’m finally finding my footing as a farmer, and I find joy in the slow, simple moments of country living. I know that a western lifestyle can seem a bit romantic, and while it is a life filled with beauty, it also comes with a lot of challenges. I’m not your typical farmer and don’t honestly believe the old stereotype exists anymore as more and more women claim farmer as a title. Instead, I’ve decided it works best to do it my way, (I’m as stubborn as as they come) and just keep on living my version of country.

Work with Whitney
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