Elevate Ag-Course Review

Last year, I decided to invest in my first online course during the spring which is typically my slowest time of year for both farming and photography. I took a web design class which I loved, and is a big reason why this website exists. (I took the “I Love Creatives Squarespace Design Course.”) This past spring, I decided I would try out another course, and it didn’t take me long to decide on Elevate Ag. I had seen both Natalie and Tara post about it, and knew that Natalie had a very successful in person retreat, but a retreat didn’t feel like the right fit at the time. I needed something I could do from home, on my own time and at my own pace. This course fit the bill, and I was excited to learn from two major players in the Ag sharing sector.

First, I have been sharing online for years. I began sharing personal photos as a lot of people did when Instagram first came out, I then began to share more of my professional photography work on a separate account, but could never quite rectify having two accounts. I also decided to share less of my photography work and move into sharing more about our farm and the life we live in rural Montana. This has been the best fit, and the most fulfilling type of social sharing I have done, but I still felt like I needed some guidance. This is where Elevate Ag came in. Over the past few years, I have become painfully aware of the disconnect between farming/ranching and the view people hold on our food systems. It is a constant battle to try to defend agriculture which is baffling to me since Ag is literally the reason we eat. So much of the population has very little understanding of Ag, and it feels so very important for everyone involved in Agriculture to share as much information as they can. The trick is to do it well, and with intention and Elevate Ag gave me that clarity.

I will say that social sharing was what drew me to the course, but I picked up a lot of other useful information that I had not planned on. The modules are packed full of applicable lessons and broken down into shorter videos which makes it feel less overwhelming. I would try to watch 1-2 videos in a day and then work on the workbook and homework that accompanied those modules. Tara and Natalie also provide outside resources and you can add-on three live zoom coaching calls which was my favorite part. During these calls, they were so generous with their knowledge, provided endless resources and practical tips that they actually use, and answered as many questions as the group could ask. They never cut the calls off and seemed eager and willing to actually have this group get as much out of the course as possible. I could have sat on those calls for hours! Make sure you add-on those calls!!!

I chose Path 1, but will likely upgrade to Path 2 in the near future. (had to get through the end of the school year). I also get a lot out of the Facebook group and it has connected me to a community of like-minded people with similar goals and missions. Path 2 has more information about monetization, and while I am not there yet, it is on my radar for the future. Both women shared about being open to the opportunities social sharing can bring about, and how that might look different than what you planned which I love! Regardless, it gave me the push to start this blog, and to share in a way that is valuable to my industry as well as myself.

If you’d like to enroll, please click the below and you will get 10% off! (I will also get a kick-back, but I would never recommend something I didn’t whole heartedly love!). The course opens on the 31st, but you there will be an early bird special in the coming days which will include the 3 live zoom calls and the facebook group which are both so valuable and I would not sleep on that deal! This course is absolutely an investment, but one I would make over and over and to be honest will continue to invest in both with my time and financially (I am thinking more will continue to be rolled out to the Elevate Ag community.) as the value in it is absolutely worth it!


House Update - Exterior, Great Room & Kitchen


Green Chile, Chicken Enchiladas